New website

May 12, 2024

What is it?

So as you’ve probably guessed, I now have a new shiny new website, which has been a while in the making and which I think represents the work that I do and my brand in the right way.


Why now?

As a product person, technologist and leader, I can (and enjoy) sometimes losing myself in product. However in this rapidly chnaging world I recognise that it’s important to have my thoughts online and to represent them in a meaningful way. I hope moving forward this website will be a way to do it in an easy format.

What to expect.

I have quite a number of new things brewing and over the next 6 months I will be discussing them publicly,  so I’m really looking forward to sharing my thoughts on these and in some way sharing the good the bad and the ugly as they develop. So watch this space!

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